Saturday, 8 December 2018

IPv6 Addressing - All About Prefix

IANA has allocated only one eighth of the total address space, currently 2000::/3 is allocated for use on the Internet.

IANA allocates prefixes of /23 upto /12 to RIRs.

The RIRs assign smaller blocks to ISPs that distributes them to users. These are typically in sizes from /19 to /32.

The addresses are typically distributed in /48 to /56 sized blocks to the end users.

Hurricane Electric Certification ID

IPv6 Certification Badge for kundan10941

Control Roaming Behavior on Cisco Wireless Network

Minimum RSSI
If a client RSSI value is below this threshold it will not associate/authenticate to the access point, instead it will continue to look for a better signal from different access points.
Valid = -80dBm to -90dBm, Default = -90dBm

How much stronger the signal of another access point has to be before a client decides to roam to it. This is useful if you have multiple access points in close proximity of each other or clients are moving between the edge of coverage of different access point. The higher this value the closer a client needs to be to an access point for it to associate to the second access point.
Valid ranges are from 2 through 4 dB.

San Threshold
scan threshold this is another RSSI value range. When the wireless client’s RSSI drops below this threshold the client will begin actively scanning for another access point it can receive a stronger signal from.
Valid values range between -70 through -77.

Transition time
This is the transition time of a client to associate to different access point.
The client determines a better signal when its RSSI drops below the scan threshold and it sees a signal from a neighboring access point higher than the scan threshold.

Go to Wireless -> 802.11a/n/ac, 802.11b/g/n -> client roaming

What are Sticky Clients ?

What are Sticky Clients ? CREDIT : One term you'll often hear banded ...